
Have you got the time needed to master new technology?

As you grow your business online, or take it online for the first time, there’s a wide range of apps, software and other technology that you’ll need to understand well. Whether it’s marketing software or accountancy apps, they all need some time to understand how they work, what you need to do and how you can save time with some simple tips and tricks.

I understand that learning new technology can be time consuming, complicated and sometimes even costly if you end up having to buy something else because you just can’t get the hang of it!

I’ve used my time to learn the most popular business apps and software, so you don’t have to,

I offer 121 and group training on the apps and software you need to know well

I’m able to offer training sessions through an online Zoom call so you don’t even have to leave the comfort of your own home to learn new technology that’ll be of benefit to your business (you can even wear your PJs if you want to!). The added benefit of using Zoom is that sessions can be recorded, so you can go back to it whenever you need to.

Alternatively, if you are local to the Derby area, I’m happy to discuss the possibility of f2f training with you (including networking groups).

I offer training in the following apps and systems:

  • WordPress
  • Mailchimp
  • Acuity
  • 10to8
  • Canva
  • Google Forms
  • Microsoft Forms
  • TypeForm
  • Calendly

If you’re struggling with some software that isn’t included on this list, please do get in touch with me. If I don’t know the app or program, I may know someone who does.

Training is completely bespoke to you and what you need to know, starting from just £95.00 per hour via Zoom.

Ready to work with me?

If I can help with your training needs, however big or small please get in touch.

How winning the #SBS award was the perfect ending to a challenging year
How winning the #SBS award was the perfect ending to a challenging year